qgsolver_doc’s documentation

Equations of motion

See this Equations of motions, grids


We recommend conda for dependencies, see README on qgsolver github repository


PV inversion solver

We use PETSc in order to solver PV or omega equation inversion. The PETSc manual is very useful.

The petsc4py documentation and API may also be helpful.

In order to get details about the PV inversion solver, add the following options at run time:

mpirun -n 4 python analytical.py -mf -ksp_view -ksp_monitor -ksp_converged_reason

In order to profile with snakeviz you need first to generate a profile and then run snakeviz:

mpirun -n 4 python -m cProfile -o output.prof uniform.py
snakeviz output.prof

Creating input files

input/ is the relevant folder.

For ROMS simulation outputs, you may be inspired to look at input/create_input_roms.py

For NEMO simulation outputs, you may be inspired to look at input/create_input_nemo.py

Indices and tables